Basic Obedience - This class lays the foundation that every dog needs to know. The skills we learn in this class include: sit, down, stay, come, drop-it, leave-it, and leash skills. This class is designed to ease dogs of all age into obedience and provide them opportunity to get used to being around new dogs and people in a novel environment.
Intermediate Obedience - This is the perfect stepping stone between basic and advanced. We expand on skills learned in basic and dogs are given more practice at the next level up. The goal of this class is to provide each dog new opportunities to advance their skills and build on what they already know. Activities become more complex throughout the course, and dogs start to interact in closer quarters with other dogs.
Advanced Obedience – This is the highest level of obedience training we offer! With a strong focus on building your bond with your dog and having fun together, you will also learn how to wean your dog off of food rewards and use yourself as the reward for your dog. We will teach advanced skills such as hind-end awareness, standing stays, emergency stops, and blind cues.
Basic Obedience - This class lays the foundation that every dog needs to know. The skills we learn in this class include: sit, down, stay, come, drop-it, leave-it, and leash skills. This class is designed to ease dogs of all age into obedience and provide them opportunity to get used to being around new dogs and people in a novel environment.
Intermediate Obedience - This is the perfect stepping stone between basic and advanced. We expand on skills learned in basic and dogs are given more practice at the next level up. The goal of this class is to provide each dog new opportunities to advance their skills and build on what they already know. Activities become more complex throughout the course, and dogs start to interact in closer quarters with other dogs.
Advanced Obedience – This is the highest level of obedience training we offer! With a strong focus on building your bond with your dog and having fun together, you will also learn how to wean your dog off of food rewards and use yourself as the reward for your dog. We will teach advanced skills such as hind-end awareness, standing stays, emergency stops, and blind cues.